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online lecture:
Our Climate Crisis: Challenges & Solutions for the Built Environment

james scott brew (nikken sekkei)

thursday, august 6, 2020 @19:00 JST

The conditions of Earth’s atmosphere today haven’t been seen for roughly three million years; humans have never lived on a planet like this. Changes are coming faster than most scientists have predicted—and society needs to change even faster. It’s a daunting task. Based on the book and research conducted by a team of international researchers for Drawdown.org (Paul Hawken), this presentation uses meticulously researched data that maps, measures, models and describes the most substantive solutions to the global climate crisis, for the built environment—that already exist.

1. Assess at least 3 built environment climate solution strategies and their relative impact on global emissions, over a 30-year timeframe.
2. Recall current total annual global CO2 emissions and visualize 1 ton of CO2.
3. Explain how individual or collective strategies can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions.
4. Identify at least 3 strategies that can be applied in their business and/or personal life.

2.0 LU/HSW

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